Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hello Fort Myers.

I am in day six here in Fort Myers. I am all moved in to my apartment, and the wonderful maintaince team here at First Assembly of God got me hooked up with air conditioning- oh how we take it for granted until we go days without it! This week has been a series of meetings, and cleaning and painting, and moments of quality time and conversations, all of which I have sincerely missed so much.

To be entirely honest, a third year was never part of my plans. I was never exactly against the idea, but I always invisioned me continuing education. But being here I am entirely thankful that by the mercy of God I have been blessed to have the opportunities to be apart of these ministries. I get to be apart of the things that I love. And the most beautiful and also the most important detail of all of these things is this: I can't do it. Which is perfect.

Something that I have prayed and asked God for is to be entrusted with a life that I can't live on my own. To give God opportunities to show up in my indequacies and do something incredible. I want to do things in a way that there is no chance for people to give the credit for me. I look at the things that I have been asked to do this year, things like helping with Girls Discipleship and teaching logos, or even my involvement at the South Campus... and I am so excited that I don't have to do this on my own talent or skill- we wouldn't get too far!

This is the verse that I am holding on to: "But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us." 2 Corinthians 4: 7

There is surpassing {a large amount or high degree, exceeding, excelling, or extraordinary} power that is in me. I am equiped... but only to show a strength thats not my own. Only to love and serve people in a way that would adequately depict the way my God loves and serves people.

Side note: I miss my neice and brother terribly. That baby is too cute and I continue to be floored by how much my brother has changed since becoming a father. Having a relationship with him is a new thing for us but such a blessing. I am so proud of him.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah! I love and miss you very much..please keep me updated this year on all the sweet stuff that God is doing in you. I am so excited for you! I went job hunting yesterday! isn't that sweet??
