Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Expanding hope.

… And then all of a sudden, there it is. Hope.

Have you ever woke up in the morning to find that the weight that has been on your heart for so long is finally gone? The anxiousness that you have felt for months is finally replaced by an excitement for what is to come… and you can breath. Once again you can actually breathe.

For me, this reunion with Hope is like seeing an old friend. Once upon a time you were really close, you could not imagine spending a day- even a moment- without her. Next thing you know she is gone. You spend months trying to get in contact with her, and after a while it is almost like she never existed. You even question the moments spent with her- were they actually real or did you just convince yourself of her presence?

I missed you… I dreamt about you coming back. And here you are.

Hope walked back in, and of course, I was excited to see her. My first instinct was to run to her, wrap my arms around to her and cling to her in a way that would guarantee that she wouldn’t leave me again. But then, as reality comes trickling down past the emotions and then to common sense, this is excitement is replaced with one haunting question- where did you go? Hope, how could leave me?

Hope, I searched for you relentlessly. But you were no where to be found.
I needed you. You left at the moment of my deepest desperation.
And here you are again; right when I learned to face each day without you… you need to work on your timing dear friend.
There were moments when I thought that you were gone. But there is this book that I have learned to trust and believe that told me that faith, hope, and love would always remain. My faith has been quickened, and love has cost me greatly, but hope you have been absent for quite some time.

I don’t know how long you will stay, but oh how I have missed you.
Stay with me for a while Hope, but then I need you to befriend someone else…
They need you more then I do.
Because though you may leave and allow my heart to be burdened once more, this love and faith that I acquired will be there to be my endurance and strength. I adore your company and the anticipation you bring, but greater then this feeling is the assurance of His love. It is far greater.

Thank you for leaving me. You knew what was best all along.
Let’s enjoy this moment together, and in this fellowship we can dream for them… because we both know that Hope expands as you give it away.

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