Tuesday, August 18, 2009

And so it begins!

I just got finished packing everything I own and loading it into my car... in record time! I can't believe that it is already that time again, year three. I never expected to be back once more, but I am so thankful for what God is going to do this year and for the ways he changes our plans!

I have spent a lot of time this week reflecting on the past two years, and I am still blown away by how faithful my God has been. His word promises those who follow him "life more abundantly" and even in the smallest of details he has given me just that, although I so often fail to see his provision. But day by day he is teaching me to find beauty even in the most desolate of places, to find splendor in the mundane that most of the time I quickly cast off. He is training my ears to hear him even in the midst of the noise and the chaos, and most importantly, he has taught my heart to trust him...

... This year is an opportunity to learn to trust him more. I know that in and of myself I have nothing to offer, but here I am knowing that my God will use me. Not because I deserve it, but because my reflection must imitate him. Because his word promises. And because they deserve more then what I can conjur up to give them.

I am excited to get moved in and see everyone! My apartment decoration "theme" is based off of the children's book The Giving Tree : ) Should prove to be quite interesting.

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