Friday, December 4, 2009

Undesirable in Comparison.

I despise the following words and/or phrases:

What if?
Could have been.
If only.

I hate all of these things because it robs from the beauty of this moment, it takes my focus off of the now. Lately a lot of people have asked me questions that me make me not only try to refigure the past but also makes me question the hope of today... I can't afford to do that. I can't get lost in that place of what I wanted vs. what really ended up happening.

I can't keep missing out on what is important. I can't keep forgetting to show people that they matter. I am not ok with having an overwhelming feeling of urgency but not doing a thing to express it. I keep sitting on my hands all the while knowing the consequence of my complacency.

I have a choice: to consume myself in all of the "could have beens" or to be proactive about making today a day that makes all of those things undesirable in comparison.

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